MHW LifeSource™ Conference 2024

MHW LifeSource™ Conference 2024

The ongoing declining health of our community underscores the major health challenges we face in western civilizations. Chronic illnesses have encroached upon the lives of individuals of all ages. Our life expectancy has decreased by nearly two years from 2019 to 2022. Individuals must become empowered with the knowledge of what causes chronic illness and how to prevent and reverse it.

Sickness and premature death now have dominion and are accepted as normal in our society!
At Montgomery Heart and Wellness™ we have spent the past five years further innovating our already novel health interventions to counter the growing health challenges of our time. Our innovations have occurred over all major areas of our health system and are as follows:

Intensive Allopathic Care:
- Digital Health Clinic that allows for increased access to our clinical team from home, work or elsewhere without the logistic requirements of scheduling an appointment.
- We have enhanced our onsite clinical capabilities to reduce ER visits and hospital admissions.
- We have formalized medication weaning protocols to help reduce drug dependency and transition patients to natural healing.

Nutritional and Lifestyle Interventions:
- New specialized detox meal plans to fit special health and budgetary needs.
- Grocery Plan Programs with ongoing nutritional support onsite and wellness community support online
- Group exercise led by certified fitness experts retained to provide supervised exercise programs.

Integrative and Regenerative Care:
- Infrared Sauna and Red-Light Therapy
- Intravenous Ozone Therapy in the forms of High Dose Delivery and Extracorporeal Blood Oxygenation and Ozonation (EBOO)
- Intravenous and Oral Methylene Blue Treatments
- Targeted IV Micronutrient Therapy

Educational and Group Support:
- Online Community Support Group Programs
- Online Health and Wellness Coaching
- New YouTube Program Channels Covering a Broad Scope of Health Topics
- A New Docuseries that Provides Detailed Insights on the Application of Integrative and Regenerative Medicine

The Conference features internationally renowned experts in the areas of lifestyle, nutrition, integrative and regenerative health. Workshops and Q&A session provide information on the clinical application of these disciplines and how you may benefit from one or more of them.

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MHW LifeSource™ Conference 2024